Register for JMT

! Use of the Jury Managers' Toolbox is intended for state and local trial court administrators.

The NCSC has the right to block use by non-authorized users.

Court Information :

JMT is designed for general jurisdiction courts serving a single county or county equivalent.

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User  Information :

All court and user information that is entered in the Jury Managers' Toolbox is confidential and will be stored in a secured database on the NCSC server. Individual courts can retrieve their own information, but cannot access information entered by other courts. The Jury Managers' Toolbox does provide state court administrators with access to aggregate reports about jury operations for the trial courts in their respective states as well as individual trial court reports that have been saved on the system. The NCSC will not release individual court information from the Jury Managers' Toolbox without written consent from the user, but reserves the right to analyze information entered into the database for internal research purposes.